Collecting without borders. Rarities from distant lands

People in Europe have always been fascinated by foreign cultures. As soon as a new country or even a new continent was discovered and conquered, people began to take artefacts and natural objects from there back home to collect and preserve them in cabinets of art and curiosities, cabinets of curiosities and natural objects, archives, museums and libraries.

This is how the Electoral Library in Dresden, founded in 1556, from which today's SLUB emerged, came to hold written documents from Central America to East Asia and from Scandinavia to North Africa, the oldest of which is over 4000 years old. The SLUB's collection also contains numerous travelogues, descriptions, treatises and plates in which experiences, impressions, research and pictures were recorded.

Some of the rarest and most valuable objects are on display in the exhibition. Against the background of the current debate, the curators were particularly interested in the origin of the exhibits. The provenance of the objects was determined and described as far as possible.

10 April to 12 August 2019 in the Treasury of the Book Museum Public guided tours of the exhibition: 15 May, 12 June, 10 July, 7 August, 5 pm each day

Abbreviated sources cited:

Ebert (1822) Friedrich Adolf Ebert: Geschichte und Beschreibung der königlichen öffentlichen Bibliothek zu Dresden. - Leipzig: Brockhaus, 1822. - p. 53.Fleischer (1831) Heinrich Leberecht Fleischer: Catalogus codicum manuscriptorum orientalium Bibliothecae Regiae Dresdensis, Lipsiae 1831.Falkenstein (1839) Karl Falkenstein: Beschreibung der Königlichen Öffentlichen Bibliothek zu Dresden. - Dresden: Walther, 1839 - pp. 271, 463, 464.Klemm (1860/62) Gustav Klemm: Dresdner Festlichkeiten im Jahr 1609 (Schluss). - In: Sachsengrün. - Dresden 1(1860/62) p. 247Deckert(1962) Helmut Deckert: Maya Handschrift der Sächsischen Landesbibliothek Dresden Codex Dresdensis : Geschichte und Bibliographie. - Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1962 - p. 22


CuratorsDrThomas Haffner and Katrin Nitzschke - SLUBwith the assistance of Dominik Stoltz - SLUBDesign conceptAntjeWerner

Online catalogue, editorial assistance Jens Bemme - SLUB

Restoration, set-up Department of Conservation - SLUB

Reproductions Department Deutsche Fotothek - SLUB

3D digitisation State Office for Archaeology Saxony

3D printouts Makerspace - SLUB