SLUB User Research

Your perspective is what counts! How do you rate the learning atmosphere in the library? Why do you choose a specific location of the SLUB? Which services are particularly important for you? What type of events do you think we are missing? What can we improve? Let's make the SLUB even better together!

The User Research Competence Centre at the SLUB has been responsible for the advisory support and independent implementation of user research projects since 2021. We collect information in surveys with the aim of improving or expanding existing services. As a competence centre, we work internally with the various departments of the library, but also externally with stakeholders from the library and non-library environment. We want to consistently orientate our services towards the needs of our users. We gain valuable insights on a scientific basis using quantitative and qualitative social research methods.

On this page we keep you up to date on current projects and publish results. 

Selected research projects

General service survey (ASB) 2022

We regularly survey all users about SLUB services in order to continuously improve them. This large-scale survey takes place every three years.


Concept evaluation of the knowledge bar counselling service

Since 2013, the SLUB has been offering free 1:1 counselling in the knowledge bar format. The aim of this survey was a conceptual evaluation of the existing knowledge bar offer.

Results report


Evaluating the Quality Assurance Process in Scholarly Publishing (EQUAP²)

More than 3,200 scientists at a total of 25 institutions in Germany and Switzerland were surveyed in this large-scale project on the quality assurance process in scientific publishing houses. Further information and results can be found here:

Project page

Turn of the year survey 2023

In contrast to other comparable institutions, the SLUB Dresden is also open between Christmas and New Year. Who comes to the library during this time and with what motivation? We surveyed 285 users on site.

Results report

Get in touch with us!

If you have any questions about existing projects, a collaboration or are interested in an internship in user research, you can contact us at any time. 

Contact at the User Research Competence Centre

Marcel Erfurth

Phone: +49 351 4677 361
