Accessibility declaration

The Saxon State and University Library Dresden (SLUB) strives to make its website(s) and apps accessible without barriers in accordance with the Saxon Inclusion Act (Sächsisches Inklusionsgesetz, SächsInklusG) and the Barrier-free Websites Act (Barrierefreie-Websites-Gesetz, BfWebG) in conjunction with the Barrier-free Information Technology Ordinance (Barrierefreie-Informationstechnik-Verordnung, BITV 2.0). The BfWebG is supplemented by the Barrier-free Websites Ordinance (BfWebVO). These laws are written in accordance with Directive (EU) 2016/2102.

This accessibility statement applies to

Accessibility status

This website is only partially accessible according to the above-mentioned guidelines. We are striving for continuous optimisation with regard to accessibility.

Non-accessible contents

  • The contrasts in the headers and footers are too low. In the calendar of events, too, the assigned categories are displayed in too low contrasts.
  • In some cases, text elements are too small (especially in the language setting).
  • Occasionally, a heading hierarchy has been skipped or the title element is empty.
  • There are unordered lists.
Accessibility of inserted documents and media
  • Graphics and link graphics often have no alternative texts, in some places existing alternative texts are too long or repetitive.
  • Older PDF documents have not yet been replaced by accessible versions.
  • Some video content has incorrect, automatically generated transcriptions (YouTube) or none at all. In addition, there is no image description for videos without soundtrack.
  • Access keys are implemented in some cases, which can lead to complications with individual user key combinations due to double assignment.
  • Title attribute texts are often identical to the displayed text or alternative text. The title attribute value is used to provide advisory information. It usually appears when the user hovers the mouse over an element. The advisory information presented should not be identical to, nor should it closely resemble, the item text or alternative text.
  • In the advanced search function, selection elements do not have a matching label.
  • There are incorrect or redundant links.
  • In the fee schedule section, layout tables are used which are problematic to use with a screen reader.
  • Some of the contents are available in two languages (German and English).

Barrierefreiheit über die gesetzlichen Anforderungen hinaus

Wir haben die Absicht, die Barrierefreiheit über gesetzliche Anforderungen hinaus zu verbessern. Daher haben wir die folgenden zusätzlichen Inhalte/Funktionen realisiert:

  • Seitenbereich in Leichter Sprache: Sie erreichen die Informationen in Leichter Sprache über das Symbol in der Kopfzeile oder über diesen Link.
  • Informationen in Deutscher Gebärdensprache erhalten sie dem Erklärvideo auf der Seite Besuchen in Leichter Sprache.

Preparation of the declaration

This declaration was prepared on 09.02.2023.

We determined the accessibility status through our own testing. We used WAVE Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool( ) as a testing tool. An audit is carried out annually. In the course of this, the declaration is adapted.

Feedback and contact details

If you notice any accessibility deficiencies in our websites and mobile applications, or if you need information about content that is not accessible, you can contact us.
Postal address: Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden
Postal address: 01054 Dresden
Visitor address: Zellescher Weg 18 | 01069 Dresden
Phone: +49 351 4677-390

We will try to correct the deficiencies reported or to provide you with inaccessible information in a barrier-free form.

Enforcement procedure

You have submitted a request for accessibility to our website using the contact above. If no satisfactory solution is found within a reasonable period of time (usually four weeks), you can contact the office of the State Commissioner for the Inclusion of People with Disabilities (Enforcement Office) at the Saxon State Chancellery, which is responsible for the enforcement procedure. The Enforcement Body supports out-of-court dispute resolution when conflicts arise between public bodies in Saxony and users of the websites or mobile applications. This arbitration procedure is free of charge. The involvement of legal counsel is not required.

Saxon State Chancellery | Office of the State Commissioner for the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities | Enforcement Office
Archivstraße 1 | 01097 Dresden
Phone: 0351 564 10713 | Fax: 0351 564 10999
