Course Reserve Collections

TU Dresden lecturers can have course reserve collections set up at the SLUB for the duration of their courses.

The book semester apparatus contains books from the library's collection and usually exists for the duration of one semester. These books are placed in a special location in the library and cannot be borrowed. They can be seen in the SLUB catalogue under "Shelf location" with the note "Semesterapparat". The special locations correspond to the SMA (Semesterapparat) number, e.g.:

  • SMA D 001: Semester apparatus in the Departmental Library DrePunct
  • SMA E 001: Semester apparatus in the branch library of education science
  • SMA Z 001: Semester apparatus in the Central Library

Audiovisuelle Semesterapparate

The SLUB also provides audiovisual semester recordings via the media library. These are made available to registered seminar participants at designated playback stations.

Electronic Semester Apparatus

Electronic semester units are presented via the online platform for academic teaching and learning (OPAL). Lecturers at the TU Dresden upload the materials belonging to their courses there, such as scripts, copy templates, assignments or bibliographies.

Semesterapparat beantragen

The application for the book and audiovisual semester apparatus is made via the respective subject librarian. Please use the form for this purpose.

Please note:

  • Semester collections should comprise a maximum of 30 media.
  • Please include a title list with the respective information on author:in, title, year of publication, shelf location and barcode with your application.
  • Semester collections are closed on 31 March or 30 September of each year. If you wish to keep your holdings for a longer period of time, please make a note of this on your application.
  • On-time provision at the beginning of the semester can only be guaranteed with a lead time of eight weeks.