Processing and decentralized networking of inventory and service information based on Linked Open Data technology

Current status


Description The joint project "Preparation and decentralised networking of library metadata on the basis of Linked Open Data technologies" aims to make data and interfaces of Saxon university libraries available for subsequent use by third parties. This should make it easier to integrate the services and resources offered into third-party offerings, which will lead to increased visibility and increased use of library resources. The availability of machine-usable data services and APIs will allow information about library data and services to be integrated into external applications. Third parties will be able to develop web applications and apps for smartphones in such a way that library information can be combined with other data in real time. Scientific and cultural projects will be able to display information on library holdings very precisely in their own web portals and other applications and filter it specifically to the relevant context. Search portals will not only be able to directly display information about the libraries' offers and service conditions, but will also be able to show this information to users who are located in the libraries' catchment area via geolocation. The joint project is divided into two areas: Sub-project 1 - carried out by Leipzig University Library (UBL) - includes the development of an interoperable vocabulary for the best possible labelling of library metadata as well as the development of a data portal with modern Linked Open Data interfaces. Sub-project 2 - carried out by SLUB Dresden - aims at optimising and enriching the library metadata. The existing metadata will be related to standards data in reference data collections and enriched with selected external data from the Linked Open Data Cloud. The implementing project partners are the two largest university libraries in Saxony. Both libraries fulfil important service functions for the university libraries in the Free State. With the building blocks

  • finc (Resource Discovery Systems - UBL),
  • D:SWARM (Data Management - SLUB)
  • amsl (Electronic Resource Management - UBL)

they have created state-of-the-art infrastructure components and services in recent years, which are also attracting great interest nationally and internationally. Emerging software components are made available under an open source licence and can be reused free of charge.

Duration 2016-2020
