Collective invoice
Collective invoice for TU institutes and corporate users
Special user accounts can be set up for TU institutes and corporate users, which serve as collective billing accounts. Several collective billing accounts can be set up for each billing office (institute or institution). The invoices for the respective accounting office are issued quarterly by the SLUB.
It is possible to combine several collective invoice accounts in one invoice (for one institute or one invoice address).
The individual allocation of the costs incurred to their originator can be differentiated with the invoice. This increases cost transparency for the TU institutes or corporate users.
Requesting and setting up omnibus accounts
Upon request, we will set up a collective invoice account for you or convert your existing account and assign the employees of your institute or institution to it. You must declare in a legally binding manner where and to whose account the quarterly invoices are to be sent.
They must submit the application in writing. A separate application is required for each staff member. It is possible to apply for several user accounts for several employees of your institution.
The user cards belonging to the accounts must be collected in person from the Central Library or the relevant branch library. The library will inform you when the user cards are ready.
- Application for collective account (PDF)
Eligible applicants
Institutes of the TU Dresden, persons responsible for cost centres in the faculties of the TU Dresden or legally capable representatives of corporate users of the SLUB Dresden are entitled to apply. The SLUB Dresden reserves the right to check the legal capacity and solvency of the person signing for the assumption of costs and to decide on the establishment of a user account with invoicing depending on this.
The decision on the institute or institution affiliation of the employees for whom such accounts are set up is to be made by the respective institution itself. Their legal representative decides for which employees or institute members the establishment of collective billing accounts is approved (by declaring acceptance of costs) and receives the invoice for all accounts assigned to his or her billing office.
SLUB reserves the right to check the information provided. For this check and the library-internal identification of the invoice recipient, the fixed network number (TU Dresden: usually in the TU network, other institutions: landline number incl. area code).